Anarchy is a political system based on the absence of government, military forces and other hierarchy and whatever it either. In fact the only" obligation "is the mutual help between people.
For example, ask an anarchist vote is like asking a supporter of extreme right vote for the left! Indeed, because anarchism is based on freedom, why read a government that directs us and deprive us of it?
But it is not because we do not vote, that we are not in politics. On the contrary, because if people who vote the white fire alarm siren from abuse of government, anarchists "shout" to them. People white voters expressed their discontent, pending a "new policy", better than today, say finally that there are interesting points in their programs. But anarchists are aware that the politicians are all corrupt, and, whether right or left wing.
Thus, if the people are not happy with the political forces at a certain round (as the second round of presidential elections in 2002) it can not to blame but him. Some people will tell you that if you do not vote you give a voice to a certain party, but it is totally false! But these people are trying to blame us! This is not because we are not preventing the constituent not to make any bullshit that is our fault!
However, Anarchists can help at the event to avoid a takeover by fascists.
Voters wake up and see that your votes are stifled. The politicans are happy that if you vote for a party. Continue to vote blank or do not, for the government aware that it is no longer elected by a majority of more smaller! And if the fascists come to power, I see only one solution : a violent revolution.
Citizens, egalitarian, libertarian ONE REVOLUTION TO REST!

Spike (2005)


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